The Basics Waccamaw participates in several local projects involving networks of organizations that share our vision. The following are examples:

Birth to 8 Collaborative: A Community of Practice
In partnership with The Boston Opportunity Agenda and United Way, The Basics is facilitating a community of practice for early childhood and family support organizations focused on disseminating Basics Insights across the city and promoting The Basics Principles to families.

Children’s Services of Roxbury (CSR): A Child-Centered Agency
The Basics/CSR collaboration provides strategies to parents and caregivers of children at risk of not being kindergarten-ready by coaching CSR staffers to embed The Basics Principles into their services.

Every Child Shines: Saturating East Boston with The Basics
The Basics is collaborating with the leadership of Every Child Shines, a collective impact initiative in East Boston convened by the East Boston Social Centers to saturate the community of East Boston with The Basics Principles by building cross-sector capacity to support parents and training a cadre of Parent Partners to provide peer mentoring.

Families First: Cross-Sector Collaboration
The Basics and Families First teamed up with 22 organizations to enhance parenting support across six neighborhoods. The Basics trained staff in embedding The Basics Principles into existing family engagement efforts, and Families First offered its 12-session Power of Parenting program to caregivers.

Boston Family Engagement Network
The Basics collaborates with the Boston Family Engagement Network, which convenes Boston organizations to support family engagement. The Basics helps train English and Spanish speaking Parent Partners from across the city to share The Basics Principles in their neighborhoods.